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Common Pitfalls

This section describes the MPP SDK implementation common pitfalls and their potential resolution.

Use case 1 - App is not whitelisted by Google

Problem behavior description

Google Pay Push Provisioning fails unexpectedly on first calls of MeaPushProvisioning.GooglePay with underlying TapAndPay libraries. Logs in debug mode of SDK (executed with -debug flag) contain follow error message:


message: Failed to retrieve Google Pay Stable Hardware Id. Failed to fetch hardware id

Google Pay error code: 15009

Root cause

Mobile app is not whitelisted for the Google Push Provisioning API.


Whitelist mobile app for the Google Push Provisioning API.

Google Pay Issuer Developer portal guide

MeaWallet development portal - Mobile app whitelisting for Google Pay

Additional troubleshooting information

In case you are encountering problems when pushing a card to Google Pay, prepare the following information to speed up the troubleshooting process:

  1. Provide video to see exactly after which screen in the Google Pay app provisioning stops.
  2. Enable additional OPC debugging by submitting request to Google to add tester user account to OPC debugging allowlist. (Additional OPC logs are available both for sandbox and production.) Google Pay Issuer Guide - Troubleshooting OPC errors
  3. Provide device logs with both MPP-SDK (filter by MPP-SDK) logs and Google Pay logs (filter by TapAndPay and TokenizePanChimeraActiv).